NSW public schools offer special religious education and special education in ethics, delivered by approved providers wherever available.
During enrolment, you can choose a special religious education option for your child from the school’s available approved providers. You can withdraw your child from special religious education by selecting alternative meaningful activities, or special education in ethics if it’s available.
You can update your preference by writing to the school or through the online form available at participating schools.
Visit the department’s website for more information about religion and ethics.
About religion and ethics
The Education Act 1990 states 'in every government school, time is to be allowed for the religious education of children of any religious persuasion'. Special education in ethics (SEE) is offered as a secular alternative to special religious education.
Special religious education (SRE) is education in the beliefs and practices of an approved religious persuasion. Special education in ethics (SEE) is a program in ethical decision making, action and reflection within a secular framework. Queanbeyan Public School currently offers Christian SRE -Ecumenical Protestant, Buddhist, Catholic as well as the SEE program provided by Primary Ethics.
The SRE and SEE programs are taught by volunteers from organisations approved by the Department of Education. They are often parents, grandparents, carers or lay volunteers from a local congregation. The volunteers undergo a police background check, a working with children check and have been trained by the SRE or SEE organisations. Classes are held each Tuesday 12.45pm-1.15pm. Students not attending either SRE or SEE attend ‘non-scripture’ under the supervision of a classroom teacher.
If you would like to change the course your child is currently enrolled in please send a written request to the office.
Special Religious Education
Christian SRE - Ecumenical (Protestant)
Ecumenical Scripture is taught by volunteers drawn from Protestant churches. The volunteers follow an authorised curriculum enabling students to question, explore and discover more about the Christian faith. The lessons, which are Bible-based, seek to help students understand the nature and content of the Christian faith, the God of the Christian faith; the meaning and significance of the Christmas and Easter festivals and the faith experience of others. The lessons help students to grasp what it means to be in a relationship with God and to embrace a life of service to others. The lessons also emphasis Christian values such as generosity, forgiveness, love and responsibility.
Ecumenical volunteers use a variety of teaching activities including discussion, songs, drama, storytelling, games and learning technologies.
Curriculum used by the Ecumenical volunteers is Godspace which has been developed by the Baptist Churches in NSW – see www.Godspace.org.au and Christian Education Publications Beginning with God, which is used for Kindergarten, and published by the Anglican Church of Australia – see http://cepconnect.com.au/images/uploads/BWG-Syllabus-all.pdf
Christian SRE - Catholic
Catholic Scripture is taught by the Missionaries of Charity and by volunteer Parish Catechists drawn from the local Catholic church in Queanbeyan. The volunteers follow authorised curriculum which seeks to assist students to understand the nature of the God of the Christian faith, the good news of the Gospel and the teachings of the Catholic church. Further information on Catholic Scripture and curriculum which is used can be found on:
- http://cgcatholic.org.au/catechists/nsw-department-of-education-requirements/ see ‘CCD resources and curriculum’
Catholic volunteers use a variety of teaching strategies, including sharing, storytelling, questioning, music, meditation, craft and drama.
Special Education in Ethics
Helping children develop skills for life.
Ethics classes support children to develop a life-long capacity for making well-reasoned decisions about ethical issues. Through the give-and-take of reasoned argument students learn to disagree respectfully, to challenge ideas and to support their arguments with considered evidence rather than according to habit or peer pressure. Our volunteer ethics teachers use detailed lesson materials which present a range of stories, scenarios and questions to generate discussion. Ethics teachers are trained to impartially facilitate student discussions, helping students develop their critical thinking and collaborative inquiry skills. Ethics teachers support student learning by:
· modelling the inquiry process, by asking questions and encouraging discussion
· showing genuine curiosity and interest in the questions being discussed
· staying neutral, ethics teachers are trained to keep their own views out of the discussion
· creating a positive learning environment by allowing students time to think
· encouraging students to share ideas, give reasons and ensuring discussion.
The Special Education in Ethics program is provided by Primary Ethics. You can find out more information about the program from the Primary Ethics website: Primary Ethics
Buddhist SRE classes will introduce students to ways of keeping the mind and body still and calm in meditation and using breath awareness. Students will also explore different ways of practising kindness, compassion and tolerance in everyday scenarios through the use of group work, storytelling and role plays. Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike are welcome to join this program.
The Buddhist SRE teachers are trained and accredited through the Buddhist Council of NSW. More information about the program is available: Buddhist SRE program.