Dear Parents and Carers,
All the Kindergarten teachers were very pleased to see their students return last Monday, and are looking forward to seeing all students again on Monday 18 May 2020 as the Phase 1: Managed Return to School continues.
Students will meet their teacher and line up outside their classroom when the bell rings at 8:55am. If your child is not attending school on Monday 18 May 2020, please make sure you have communicated this to the school.
As communicated on eNews, there are changes in place for the pick-up arrangements for Kindergarten students, as well as a change in time that their school day ends. From Monday 18 May 2020, all Kindergarten students can be collected only from Thorpe Avenue at 2:40pm to assist the school in adhering to the social distancing guidelines. As a result of this early pick up time, the afternoon task each day could be modified and completed orally with your child (rather than writing/ drawing/ creating).
The work packages for Kindergarten students not attending school on Monday 18 May 2020 can be collected from the front office on Monday. The students who attend on Monday will received their Week 4 pack from their teacher so they can continue the home learning.
A reminder that Kindergarten students will have all necessary equipment supplied to them by their class teacher. Please do not send in pencil cases for Kindergarten students.
Thank you again for working together with us to continue your child’s education while at home in these uncertain times. It would be appreciated if students could return their work from Weeks 2 and 3 to their teacher when they attend school on Monday 18 May 2020. As we move through Phase 1, teachers will ask that work be returned (not the scrapbook) each Monday when students attend on their designated day.
If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact your class teacher directly.
The Kindergarten Team
Term 2, Week 4 - see the overview complete with links.